Juan Mellen

President | Design Institute of Spain Madrid, España
Juan Mellen


Juan Mellen was born in Barcelona, Spain. He is Public Relations graduated from the University of Barcelona. He is President at Design Institute of Spain (D!OS) based in Madrid since 2019. The mission of the Institute is to foster the recognition of design to increase business competitiveness and the positioning of country image. Previously, from 2009 to 2019, he was founding member and CEO of the first non-profit making association of Spanish


Mesa redonda | Impuls/Diàlegs

Imprimint valor en el disseny industrial

Juan Mellen
Juan Mellen Design Institute of Spain President Moderador/Presentador
Marc Codesal
Marc Codesal Roland DG EMEA Market Development Manager Speaker
Pol Fantoba
Pol Fantoba Lúcid Managing Director Speaker
Xavier Majoral
Xavier Majoral Stimulo Speaker
Josep Maria Coll
Josep Maria Coll Epson Director Commercial & Industrial Printing Speaker

02-10-2024 16:30 02-10-2024 17:10 Europe/Madrid Imprimint valor en el disseny industrial

Taula rodona a l'espai “Impuls-Diàlegs” de la fira sobre aplicacions de la impressió digital a la indústria manufacturera que comptarà amb la participació de representants del Design Institute of Spain (D!OS), de subministradors de tecnologia gràfica, de dissenyadors industrials i d'empreses de diferents sectors d'activitat que utilitzen la impressió en els seus processos productius.  

Dc 2 16:30h - 17:10h Impulso/Diálogos